Monday, April 22, 2013

A Formula for Heaven on Earth.

There are things done here that are indeed too inefficiently done or represented. They are inefficcient partly because they fail to take things into account, to calculate the causes and consequences. They are inefficient because the majority of people cannot comprehend them. That just creates a whole lot of shit in both my and your way.

For example, I am in college now, studying math. Most of the time, the textbooks and lectures I cover are generally not that helpful as far as understanding the material. They often demand more effort than required, garnishing easy topics with useless words for the sake of creating new found intellectual value. As if the materials had to be written in a foreign language only meant to be understood by geniuses. It's just stupid. 

This brings me to my two main points:

1.) The more simple something is, the more efficient we are. All of us.
2.) Nothing is incomprehensible.

Imagine all the extra time and energy that could have been saved by the textbook author and consequently myself when writing/using the book. To me, it is no great testament of brilliance to speak in ways no one understands. No! True genius comes into play when you are able to explain the most complex of things to the most simple people and have them not only understand the material, but enjoy it. This takes no charisma just passion and common sense.

To be clear, I am not saying my college books should be written as if I was 5 years old.  I am saying they should be clear and void of useless boisterous academic jargon which tends to both consume and diminish the book in general. It also diminishes people. It gives them limits to impose upon themselves because they feel they cannot exert the energy needed to fully comprehend the material. I'm not good at this or that!  It also creates ignorance (the root of all crime), a notion I think intellectuals delight in. It's wonderful how people cannot understand me and give up trying to! How smart am I!

Imagine a world where everyone understood everything to some degree. Where everyone actually knew exactly what their governments were doing. How efficient would that be where we would have political conversations not just based on passion and rhetoric. We must build more good schools or have gun control etc. But if we could all think and compromise rather than truce.

Such efficiency would be divine.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

An Appeal for Consenual Simplicity

Ever wonder why dumb people are in political positions? Or what some people's problem is? Or... why you're single. Ever just wonder about life in general? Why you do the things you do and don't? No? Well... you can just click right off.

Oh. you do. Great!

So do I. And I love to talk about it. I'm not saying I have answers, but, to me, thinking  and acting is far better than running around a maze having no idea why you do things or worse... fail to do them. Maybe thinking about the "why" will help out.

This is a generalization, but to me, the people  I see tend to complicate life. When asked why, some tell me, life is complicated. This is true, but such complications should not complicate our actions. Life can be surprisingly simple. And through thinking more simply, we can make smarter choices and understand even the most complicated problems. The easiest metaphor I can think of is basic addition. Addition problems come in all shapes and sizes,

1.) 2+2=4
2.) 3+10=13
3.) 3xy+4xy=7xy

but the underlined principle to understanding the problem and the answer never changes. Not to say that understanding life is as simple as addition, but it kinda is. Number four could have been extremely daunting in comparison to one, but when addition is understood, the question doesn't look quite so scary.

What I am saying? I am saying that life is just as hard as it has ever been but thinking about it simply before adding in  the "complications" can save a lot on Advil. Mathematics, to some degree, can explain these things because, like life, math offers us just as much beauty and complexity that can be completely understood by simplest  frameworks.

But what about emotion you cold heartless bastard? Yes. emotion too. I will explain. This is not utilitarian at all.

This blog will cover that. But for now. Chill.